• Blum, Robert S. The Cultivation of Oral Repertories in Meshed, Iran, Ph.D. dissertation, Oberlin College, 1972. (Has some information regarding professional performers, including dancers, in Mashhad)
  • During, Jean. “Emotion and Trance. Music and Exorcism in Baluchistan”. Cultural Parameters of Iranian Musical xpression, Margaret Caton and Neil Siegel, editors. The Institute of Persian Performing Arts, 1988. (You can order this booklet through me; $15.00, including postage.)
  • Enjavi, A. Jashnha va adab va mo’taqadat-zemestan. 2 volumes. Tehran, 1352-54/1973-75. (Winter rituals, not unlike uropean mumming, that include dance)
  • Falk, S. J. Qajar Paintings. Persian Oil Paintings of the 18th and 19th Centuries. London, 1972. (Good for Qajar period dance costume ideas, since it is full of paintings of dancers and courtesans)
  • Friend, Robyn C. Performer Audience Relationships in the Bazm, Middle Eastern Studies Association Annual Conference, November 1986 (with Morteza Varzi, Margaret Caton, and Neil Siegel).
  • Friend, Robyn C. Contemporary Contexts for Iranian Professional Musical erformance, Middle Eastern Studies Association Annual Conference, November 1986 (with Neil Siegel).
  • Friend, Robyn C. Contexts for Iranian Professional Musical Performance, Los Angeles ityRoots Festival, May 1987 (with Neil Siegel and Morteza Varzi).
  • Friend, Robyn C. “Cub-bazi”. Encyclopedia of Iran, volume VI, fascicle 4, page 448 and fascicle 5, page 449. Ehsan Yarshater, editor. Mazda Publishers, 1993. (Stick dancing in Iran)
  • Friend, Robyn C. “Modern Persian Dance”. Encyclopedia of Iran, volume VI, fascicle 6, pages 641-645. Ehsan Yarshater, editor. Mazda Publishers, 1993.
  • Friend, Robyn C. “The Exquisite Art of Persian Classical Dance“, Habibi, A Journal for Lovers of Middle Eastern Dance and Arts, volume 15, number 2, Spring 1996, pages 6-8.
  • Friend, Robyn C. “Jamileh: The Goddess of Iranian Dance“, Habibi, A Journal for Lovers of Middle Eastern Dance and Arts, to appear, Spring 1997.
  • Hamada, Geoff M. Dance and Islam. The Bojnurdi Kurds of Northeastern Iran. M.A. thesis, UCLA, 1978.
  • Rezvani, M. Le theatre et la danse en Iran. Paris, 1962.
  • Shahbazi, A. Shahpur. “Dance In Pre-Islamic Iran”. Encyclopedia of Iran, volume VI, fascicle 6, pages 640-641. Ehsan arshater, editor. Mazda Publishers, 1993.
  • Walker, Philip. “Raqqas or Jamileh: Contrasting Perspectives on Dance in Iran”, Habibi, A Journal for Lovers of Middle Eastern Dance and Arts, volume 15, number 2, Spring 1996, pages 9 – 10.
  • Varzi, Morteza, with Margaret Caton, Robyn Friend, and Neil Siegel. “Performer Audience Relationships in the Bazm”. Cultural Parameters of Iranian Musical Expression, Margaret Caton and Neil Siegel, editors. The Institute of Persian Performing Arts, 1988. (Shows how dance fits into the traditional evening home entertainment)